Friday, March 11, 2011

Project Simplify: Master Closet Results

My super messy  closet

So, I'm happy to say that I've tackled the first zone of Simple Mom's 5-week Project Simplify Challenge. After procrastinating for most of the week, I finally took the time to attack my semi-messy Master closet.

Here is a before pic. In my defense, I'd already started putting things aside to drop off at Goodwill, hence the messy piles on the floor.

I carefully tried on practically every piece of clothing in my closet and only kept things that I feel good in and know that I will wear. I sorted my old digs into two piles-Goodwill (things to donate) & Ebay (my money makers)!

Ebay makes it easy to get rid of items that you have a slight attachment to because at least you can recoup some of your money.  

When it was all said and done, I had over 50 extra hangers & loaded five garbage bags full of clothes to take to Goodwill.

I stopped counting at 50 hangers
One of many piles of castaways



Simple Mom's downloadable checklist made it fun & easy to declutter my Master closet. I'm looking forward to finding out what zone we will be tackling next week!!

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