Wednesday, October 5, 2011

31 Days of Thrifty Finds--Day 5: Vinyl Wall Decals on the Cheap

I'm all about easy-peasy decorating and what's easier than Vinyl Decals!!?? I've purchased the majority of them from Hobby Lobby, Kohl's and Target for $16-$20 each, but was so thrilled to find these great decals for such wallet-friendly prices.

These adorable vinyl stickers were just $1 at Dollar Tree!!

Another view of the Dollar Store decals-love it!!

Scored this adorable vinyl rub-on at Ross for $5!! It's nice, simple and fits the space perfectly!

Vinyl decals add such a perfect touch to any space including doors! This is the perfect way to greet our guests!! This one was just under $10!!

This is another decal that I purchased at Ross for $5. Absolutely love it!

So there you have it, another day of Thrifty Finds! I'd love to hear your thoughts! Are you as vinyl obsessed as I am!!??

Thanks for popping by!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love this series you're doing. What a great pick for the month of October! LOVE the look of your blog. Such fresh, crisp colors. :-) I'm your newest follower!