Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Project Simplify: Hot Spot 2- Tackling your Paper Clutter

So, it's time to keep decluttering and sprucing up your home! Simple Mom revealed this week's Hot Spot: Paper Clutter.

After cleaning out Master closets last week, it's time to clear out those drawers, files and piles. For those of you, who have no clue where to start, you definitely need to hop over to Simple Mom for a step-by-step breakdown of how to conquer your clutter & organize your space.

Luckily for me, I'm a bit obsessive about weeding out papers, so this was a pretty simple week. I tackled my newly renovated office (lots of files full of old bills, receipts and random papers) as well as our kitchen junk drawers.

After ridding out our unneeded junk, I feel a couple pounds lighter-and you will too! Hopefully you're enjoying the 5 week challenge! I'm already looking forward to tackling next week's Hot Spot!!


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