Monday, March 7, 2011

Project Simplify: 5-week Decluttering your Home Challenge

One of the most exciting things about the change of seasons is cleaning, revamping and weeding things out.  Just last night, I was overwhelmed by the number of toys my son Kanon kept leaving all over the house-I'd had enough and did some serious paring down in his closet.

There's something so fresh and refreshing about purging and getting rid of things that we really don't need.can hardly wait til the weather warms up a bit more so that I can spend some quality time getting our garage in order.

But for now, I'm joining the movement over at Simple Mom to tackle my spaces & organize my home from the inside out!! Simple Mom has a new book out called, Organized Simplicity and is hosting Project:Simplify.  For five weeks, she will challenge readers to tackle different areas of your home.

On Monday's she'll reveal the project of the week and offer tips & suggestions for decluttering those spaces. This week's Hot Spot is Your Wardrobe & Closet. Check out her tips & advice for tackling this area. On Friday's she'll reveal before and after pics and encourages readers & bloggers to do the same! I'm definitely up for the challenge and will post my pics and progress over the next 5 weeks!!

What are your home's trouble areas? How do you motivate yourself to tackle those sore spots?


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