Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Our Front Door Makeover

Close up of our front door...ick!
Our front door has been screaming for a makeover for quite some time now. The tacky white trim and even tackier glue streaks have just needed to go.

I've tried a little bit of everything to spruce it up, but wreaths and door hangers couldn't mask the inevitable.

Front door Fall-ified!! BEFORE
So last week, I went for it. I put our sorry old door out of its misery.

Step One: Prepped by scraping the streaky mess & wiping the door with Goo Gone (love that stuff)!!

Step Two: Applied a few coats of Sherwin Williams Masket Brown, which was the original door color. The white trim was painted brown too.

Couple coats of paint
Step Three: Waited 24 hours (it pained me to wait that long), then applied the "Welcome" decal that I'd ordered from Off the Wall Vinyl Decor.

Total cost of our room redo: Quart of paint $15 & vinyl decal ($9)= $25

I couldn't be happier with how the door turned out! Looks so much more inviting!! Check out the curb shot of our house before....and after! Lovely!

Ta-da...front door re-do!!

Welcome vinyl decal


Soo much better!
Sometimes the simplest things make the biggest difference!!
Thanks for popping by! I'd love to hear your thoughts and front door makeover tips!!
I'm linking up to:


Debbiedoos said...

Wonderful! I love the welcome. Have fun at the party.

ℳartina @ Northern Nesting said...

Looks Great! Martina

Jane@Cottage at the Crossroads said...

Love that Welcome sign. Thanks for telling us where you got it. We are in the middle of painting our front door. Would you mind if I steal your idea?

Unknown said...

My front door did the same thing... It was gross all the glue seeping Are you sure we don't have the same builder...LOL... Love what you did to it. Very welcoming


Tauja @ Simply Mod Mom said...


That's too funny! Our door has been a constant struggle! I'm so happy to finally have it under to control!! Thanks for popping by!!

Tauja @ Simply Mod Mom said...

Thanks Jane! I'm thrilled that my front door re-do inspired you!! It's amazing how such simple things (paint & a vinyl decal)can make such a big difference! Good luck with your door!!

Thanks for popping by!!

Ivy and Elephants said...

The door totally fits your beautiful home. I love it!


Lauren @ My Wonderfully Made said...

I love what you did! My front door (and back) are atrocious and in need of a makeover -- I love the idea of the vinyl decal! Great job!

Danielle Bailey @ VinylumeInc said...

Glad that you didn't hesitate to give your door a makeover. You don't need to spend a lot or replace your entire door, just a touch of paint is enough. By the way, I like your "welcome" vinyl decal. Good job, Tauja!

Danielle Bailey @ VinylumeInc said...

Glad that you didn't hesitate to give your door a makeover. You don't need to spend a lot or replace your entire door, just a touch of paint is enough. By the way, I like your "welcome" vinyl decal. Good job, Tauja!

Danielle Bailey @ VinylumeInc said...

Glad that you didn't hesitate to give your door a makeover. You don't need to spend a lot or replace your entire door, just a touch of paint is enough. By the way, I like your "welcome" vinyl decal. Good job, Tauja!