Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Cheap & Chic Easter Decor

Happy Easter Vase Filler, Set of 11
Pottery Barn Happy Easter Vase Filler

I'm a bit embarrased that I'm just now getting around to posting something related to Easter.

It's just a couple of days away-so I'm sharing a super cheap and chic DIY to add a little flavor to your current decor. My inspiration for this project came from Pottery Barn. I'm such a PB girl at heart, but on a much tighter, penny pinching budget.

Pottery Barn's Easter filler is so darn cute, but it's surely a bit pricey plus it's completely sold out.

My Easter filler knock off

I loved the idea of spelling out Happy Easter, so looked in my craft stash and found letter stickers, then ran to Hobby Lobby and grabbed a package of eggs. They were $2.99 then 50% off of that!! So there you have it-my slightly more colorful and definitely more affordable Happy Easter filler!!

If you're looking for some fun Easter tradition tidbits, head over to Real Simple.

Hope that everyone has a super Easter!!! Thanks for popping by!!


1 comment:

Marie said...

Don't be embarassed. Extra time is a luxury for us Mom's :) Love this idea. Nice job - I love the speckled eggs you made them look fabulous. Have a wonderful Easter.