It's day 17 of my blogging challenge and to do something totally different, I wanted to make a quick list of a dozen (12 is my fave number) things that I love!! Obviously I love my family, friends, faith, etc....but this is just my silly list of things I'm enjoying these days!!
1) Goodwill: there is just something about the thrill of the hunt that keeps me coming back for more. Many of my absolutely fave things (especially home decor items) were purchased at my
2) Tea: I absolutely cannot start my day without a big ol cup of green tea. My faves are Tazos (Zen & Thrive). Love, love, love my jumbo stacking mugs from World Market.
3) My sister's Ipad: my hope is that one day I'll have one of my own. For now, I'll just have to settle with babysitting hers from time to time. I'm obsessed with playing Scrabble & Uno. Such fun!!
4) Blog stalking watching: I get so much pleasure out of reading other blogs. Though I haven't really immersed myself in this whole bloggy community, I enjoy the decor tips, crafts and just plain old chit chat offered up by bloggers.
5) HGTV & Reality TV: Can't get enough Real Housewives of whereever & I even get into the silly VH-1 reality shows like Basketball Wives. I chalk it up to not having any drama in my life, so I enjoy watching others.
6) Better Homes & Gardens: Getting my subscription is like having Christmas once a month! yippee! Such amazingly perfect homes. I love it!
7) Target: I've been trying to stay out out there since becoming a SAHM, but I tell ya, Target is one of my fave one-stop shops!
8) Dollar Tree: It's always amazing what you can find in here! Decor items, toys, baby stuff, food, the list goes on and on.
9) Craigslist: Another website that I
11) My Artisan Kitchen Aid Mixer: This is another one of those-how in the world did I cook or eat or live withouts. I've had mine since November and I couldn't be happier with it! Great purchase! I'm a bit of a cheapy so it was hard for me to justify buying something this expensive, but of course I managed to snag it at the perfect time. Kohl's had this normally $260 mixer on sale for $170, plus I had a 30% off coupon (another $50 off) & the kicker was that it was during Bonus Bucks, so I scored another $20 in bonus bucks. So, in essence I paid less than half price!! Score! Cooking is soo much more luxurious and enjoyable with my beloved Mixer!

Hope you enjoyed my short list of things I love! What are some things that you heart and can't imagine living without?